THE SCAVENGER SERIES: Based on the world of Hugh Howey's Half Way Home space mining thriller, a young adult novel with existential implications for humanity, the Scavenger series chronicles the lives and decisions of a group of miners rescued from an aborted mining colony by a mysterious alien race. Some of the miners wish to return to Earth, planet they have never known, while others wish to find their way elsewhere. Enough intrigue, conflict, and advanced technology to satisfy the hardest hard core space opera fan.
The series will launch after the release of a short story, Ghosts Among Stones, in THE FUTURE WORLDS: HALF WAY HOME anthology scheduled for publication winter 2016. Check back for updates or subscribe to my newsletter for advance notification.
The series will launch after the release of a short story, Ghosts Among Stones, in THE FUTURE WORLDS: HALF WAY HOME anthology scheduled for publication winter 2016. Check back for updates or subscribe to my newsletter for advance notification.
If you're not familiar with Hugh Howey's HALF WAY HOME story, you can preview it here:
All content, (including text and photos) copyright Saul Tanpepper © 2011 unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.